Unleash Your Potential

Live intentionally and be the face for positive change in both your private life and professionally. Take the exact steps you need confidently and powerfully. Deliver your knowledge by working with purpose and having a solid plan.

Build a great life for all the right reasons.

Dan Simon

Executive Leadership Consultant & Speaker
(919) 760-1400
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  • Christian College and Career Guidance

College & Career Advising

Discover a partner who is passionate about unlocking your child’s full potential and guiding them towards a purpose-driven future. With a Christian perspective at the core, Dan Simon offers personalized college and career advising that goes beyond the ordinary, empowering your child to excel academically, spiritually, and personally.

Unlock your child’s potential with Dan Simon. Together, we’ll craft a transformative journey towards academic success, personal development, and a life that honors God’s plan.

Unleash Their Boundless Potential
  • One-on-One Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Dan Simon is the person you want in your corner when you are looking to live a fully charged life.

Are you ready to maximize your full potential personally, mentally, physically and spiritually? Do you want to inspire others? Are you ready to rise up and set a new standard for yourself and lead the way for others to follow?

Learn More
  • High Performance Teams

Group Coaching

Group Coaching for high performance teams produce superior results that reflect more than the sum of its parts. They outperform their counterparts three to one and experience 72% less stress, 106% more energy, and 42% lower burnout! Why? They lean on each other and consistently challenge one another to show up with high levels of innovation and accountability.

What is your team capable of achieving? How can they transform their dynamic into that of a high-performance team?

Let’s Find Out
  • Leadership Development

Keynote Speaking and Seminars

Dan will deliver a dynamic presentation that will infuse your company or event with the perfect blend of solid business psychology, motivation, inspiration and just the right splash of humor.

When Dan hits the stage his high energy and positive attitude immediately energizes, educates and entertains you, your team and everyone else in the audience to adopt that most valuable of assets – the success mindset which builds strong businesses..

Take Your Team Higher

Working with Dan

Some of the ways Dan’s Clients Experience Extreme Results

  • One-on-One, Results Based Coaching
  • Hire Dan as a Keynote Speaker at your next event.

  • Invigorate your team with Dan’s custom tailored Group Coaching Workshop.

  • Join Dan’s Exclusive Mastermind Group

  • Create a Customized Leading in and Through Crisis Workshop for Your Team

Get a Consultation

“Dan is a knowledgeable and passionate professional to work with. He demonstrates an innate ability to elevate others’ personally and professionally and has served as a mentor to me. I am so excited to recommend Dan as a consultant for any line of business looking to take their success to the next level.”

Courtney Sarni

Instructional Designer and Engagement Specialist


In order to reach your potential, you must be intentional about personal growth. This collaborative book study will help you understand how personal growth really works, and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life.

Come alongside Dan in your growth journey to become the person you are destined to be!

Learn More

As a leader, you’ll find yourself having to manage your way in and through a crisis. Don’t wait for the next crisis to hit to get yourself prepared. Join this workshop to learn practical ways to:

– maneuver through times of difficulty and adversity
– effectively battle distractions

– adopt successful thinking habits

Have Dan deliver a customized “Leading In and Through Crisis” for your team.

Contact Dan!

Let’s Make Things Happen

It’s time to take your leadership, career and relationships to the next level.

“In every role Dan brings a passion for success and empathy, always striving to find ways to maximize the potential of others. His leadership and coaching brought out the best of his staff. Dan has so much to offer from his experience in both public and private sectors which provides his credibility, but above all, his values, and his foundation allow him to offer guidance and mentorship in formal and informal settings. I look to him for guidance often.”

Thomas Stroffolino, Senior Advisory Solutions Architect

“When you think of servant leaders, Dan Simon should be the first person who comes to mind. His passion for people and relationships makes him an ideal professional leader and personal coach. His belief in family and the bond created among those with shared beliefs is one of his most powerful tools that he will imprint upon all those with whom he connects.”

Dr. MaryJane Garibay, Doctor of Educational Leadership

“Dan Simon is a robust, energetic leader who goes the extra mile to insure that his job is completed. The mission is not only completed, it’s accomplished with aplomb. While reaching to his goal, Dan always remembers that he is working with and alongside people. He understands that, as a leader, his most valuable asset is the people working with him. Thanks to his caring attitude, the people working with him are encouraged to give their best and share in the accomplishment of the mission. It’s a pleasure to work with Dan – he is a strong leader.”

Major Penczak, Senior NJROTC Instructor

“Dan is a very well-informed leader of principle. I had the good fortune of supporting two cohorts of New Jersey principals with Dan through the equity-focused New Jersey Department of Education Principal Learning Network. I always found Dan to be deeply caring and responsive in coaching participants in the program. Because of his own extensive experience as an educational leader, he was well-attuned to the needs and day-to-day realities of principals. He thinks deeply about leadership and is able to bring his considerable knowledge and experience to his support of educators.”

Tim Matheney, Founder and President, Spire Leadership Group

“I have known Dan for a long time, and can say, without reservation, that he is an excellent school administrator. His passion is education, and his remarkable skill set enables him to lead students, teachers, and other administrators very effectively. Dan is one of the most natural educators I know, and I remember the time we worked together with great admiration and respect.

Jeff Janover, VP of Interoperability Services

Dan Simon

Executive Leadership Consultant & Speaker
(919) 760-1400
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