Ready to elevate yourself, your team and your organization to the next level?

8-Week Mastermind Experience
Tuesday evenings, starting July 5th!
Invest in yourself and join me and other like-minded individuals where the power of the study is shared with the people to ensure that tomorrow is better than today.
Potential is one of the most powerful words in any language, as potential implies possibilities, heralds hope, and unveils greatness. Dan Simon’s tried and true principles, skills and strategy are always certain to help a person grow. Dan invites you to sign up now to as he facilitates an extraordinary experience together in an 8-week book study and exploration of John Maxwell’s “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth”, beginning on July 5, 2022.
Growth always comes in two areas: choice and skill. If you desire to grow and improve your results, don’t miss this opportunity. If you want to become the person you were created to be, choose to be intentional by working with purpose and developing a solid plan towards excellence with like-minded peers and Dan in your corner. Invest in yourself by joining this mastermind group for less than the cost of three dinners out.
This is an 8-week, in-depth study that will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded individuals who are focused on taking results in every area of their lives to a new level. Having the support and ideas from other focused and driven people allows us to see things differently and to get a new perspective on goals and action plans.
This experience will adhere to the following schedule:
- 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST on Tuesday for 8 Weeks – VIRTUAL Starts July 5, 2022 ($397.00)
What you will get when you sign up:
- Introductory Discovery Session
- “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” Course Material*
- Participation in a LIVE 15 Laws Mastermind Group meeting for 8 weeks.
*Book is not included
If you’re serious about your growth, your future and your success, this mastermind group is for you. REGISTER NOW and secure your seat. Space is limited to keep this experience intimate.
What exactly is a Mastermind Group?
The term was first coined by Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” (published in 1937).
Hill thought of a Mastermind as a moment in time “when a group of individual brains are coordinated and function in harmony, the increased energy created through that alliance becomes available to every individual brain in that group.” Hill credits Andrew Carnegie with the “alliance” concept. In full, Hill amassed 20+ years of research and studied 500+ successful people. The result: Hill determined that having a Mastermind group was critical to achieving success!
Some Modern Definitions:
“A Mastermind Group is an ongoing gathering of like-minded individuals who share ideas, strategies and challenges and each other for the purpose of inspiring opportunities and each other’s success. It’s like a think-tank that combines networking, brainstorming and camaraderie. It is your board of advisors to assist you in making the right decisions that need to be made.” — Ed Abel, ABEL Business Institute
Key Benefits of a Mastermind Group:
- Be in an environment with like minded individuals.
- Fun way to converse with other readers from afar.
- Share in a safe environment where you won’t be judged.
- Learn in an informal and relaxed setting.
- Improve and maintain communication skills of both listening and speaking with others.
- Learn new key distinctions for major breakthroughs.
- Uncover specific ways to get it out of the book and apply it to your life.
- Uncover unique qualities that make for greatness.
- Apply learning into real world experience.
- Discover other’s perspectives and capture the ‘gold nuggets’ for How-to’s.
- Hear similar challenges from others and how others overcame theirs.
- Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones in practical ways.
- Studying a book instead of just reading it and creating an action plan to apply the learned principles to your personal and/or professional life while having the group to support you and hold you accountable for fulfilling your plans and goals
- Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude
- A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!
Here’s an brief overview of the book:
Are there tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over 50 years, and for the first time, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential.
Below are a few of the laws covered in the book:
- The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
- The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
- The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
- The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be
- The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others
Live intentionally, grow exponentially!
“Dan created a ray of light in a dark time; a place for like-minded professionals to focus in, be open, be productive, and connect. I would highly recommend joining in and being a part of what I can say first hand is a meaningful, interactive, and well organized professional development opportunity for leaders in any field. The personal connections were really meaningful for me in a time when it feels hard to connect.”
Erika Barrett
Early Childhood Administrator
Leading In and Through Crisis
As a leader, you’ll find yourself having to manage your way in and through a crisis. Don’t wait for the next crisis to hit to get yourself prepared. Contact us to create a customized “Leading In and Through Crisis” workshop for your organization.
When countries from around the globe suddenly go into ‘lock-down’, and only ‘essential workers’ are permitted to go to work, and children can’t go to school due to a pandemic- that’s Crisis! Who could have foreseen that coming?
We can’t always be prepared for everything, and sometimes we’re taken off guard. But, we can step up and rise to any challenge with ‘it’. The ‘it’ is effective leadership!
How do you define a crisis in your own life? Together, we’ll explore this topic at length.
Crisis can emerge at any moment, managing a crisis is necessary for effective leadership. In uncertain times, one thing is certain; change is constant.
Are you a leader who refuses to watch, wait & see on the sideline for what may or may not happen in anticipation for the crisis to be over. Or, are you the leader who feels an urge to be better prepared? If so, I invite you to join my workshop.
What state of mind are you in as a leader under fire? What strategies are you using now to help you as an empowered leader to adapt, pivot, create, and innovate like never before? The pressure is on!
Your people need you to step up and give them courage. Great leadership is being revealed before our eyes and the focus is on you now more than ever. As you lead now, become that beacon of light for smooth sailing to face the challenge in front of you.
It’s possible to not only get by during challenging circumstances, but you, your team, and your business can thrive.
This workshop is ideal for executives, business leaders and teams who want to….
- Pivot strategies as a result of market conditions, mergers and acquisitions, disruption, or other significant forces.
- Discover how other leaders are paving the way for their future.
- Steer your organization and team during turbulent times.
- Respond vs. react.
- Confidently lead through change.
- Wipe out negativity, distractions and fear.
- Address urgent needs of the present.
- Be accountable to inspire collaboration & performance.
- Recently reconfigure their workforce and or workspace.
- Reestablish key business practices & priorities.
This program is tailored to your organization to deliver the maximum value!
Live intentionally, grow exponentially!
Let’s Make Things Happen
It’s time to take your leadership, career and relationships to the next level.
“In every role Dan brings a passion for success and empathy, always striving to find ways to maximize the potential of others. His leadership and coaching brought out the best of his staff. Dan has so much to offer from his experience in both public and private sectors which provides his credibility, but above all, his values, and his foundation allow him to offer guidance and mentorship in formal and informal settings. I look to him for guidance often.”
“When you think of servant leaders, Dan Simon should be the first person who comes to mind. His passion for people and relationships makes him an ideal professional leader and personal coach. His belief in family and the bond created among those with shared beliefs is one of his most powerful tools that he will imprint upon all those with whom he connects.”
“Dan Simon is a robust, energetic leader who goes the extra mile to insure that his job is completed. The mission is not only completed, it’s accomplished with aplomb. While reaching to his goal, Dan always remembers that he is working with and alongside people. He understands that, as a leader, his most valuable asset is the people working with him. Thanks to his caring attitude, the people working with him are encouraged to give their best and share in the accomplishment of the mission. It’s a pleasure to work with Dan – he is a strong leader.”
“Dan is a very well-informed leader of principle. I had the good fortune of supporting two cohorts of New Jersey principals with Dan through the equity-focused New Jersey Department of Education Principal Learning Network. I always found Dan to be deeply caring and responsive in coaching participants in the program. Because of his own extensive experience as an educational leader, he was well-attuned to the needs and day-to-day realities of principals. He thinks deeply about leadership and is able to bring his considerable knowledge and experience to his support of educators.”
“I have known Dan for a long time, and can say, without reservation, that he is an excellent school administrator. His passion is education, and his remarkable skill set enables him to lead students, teachers, and other administrators very effectively. Dan is one of the most natural educators I know, and I remember the time we worked together with great admiration and respect.