“Dan is an inspiring, motivating, wise leader that goes above and beyond as a mentor and coach! He is always there to offer words of encouragement and advise when you need it. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with him!” – Mayling C.

“Mr. Simon stands out above the rest. And is a mentor in my life that has truly gone above and beyond to invest in my future, invest in my now. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his wise and trusted counsel.”

Dr. Elizabeth (Wendel) Dodsworth


“2020 Covid year was a capstone on his already impeccable career. Dan led the school through entirely unchartered waters with insight, instinct, and courage. His leadership that year forged a never before traveled path while ensuring the safety of the students, maintaining the development of teachers and staff, while hitting the larger strategic goals for the school. Dan truly is an exemplary educator, director, principal, coach, and leader.”

Brian Dunphy M.A, PCC

Executive Team Coach

“Dan stresses Trust, Loyalty, Integrity, Faith & Family over everything else. He has impacted so many people in a positive way. Dare to be great!”

Kevin James

Teacher, Leader, Father and Husband

“I’ve worked with Dan on many projects and have had the privilege of observing him serve in many leadership roles. He is a passionate leader, with an eye for detail and a commitment to transparency. He empowers others, delegating responsibilities and trusting his team to successfully fulfill the mission of the organization. He’s a visionary leader, one that I’m blessed to call my mentor.”

Kelly Harmon

Director Of Curriculum And Instruction

“Dan Simon is guided in ethic, expertise, fairness, and an unwavering determination to build and better those people, circumstances, and situations around him. His positivity and never-quit attitude seep into every interaction.”

Christine Durst

Leader, Educator, Connector

A Beacon of Light

Pushing the Limits of Leadership During the Crisis

“You made me feel very comfortable to open and share with people I never met before. That is a true gift.”
-Melissa B.

“I really enjoyed the format. It was orderly and scripted out for discussion both in small and large groups. I have attended many chats during the pandemic and I believe this was the best.”
-Charles F.

“Dan made everyone feel at ease and kept the session engaging. There wasn’t any pressure to participate. He let the session “free flow.”
-Emil C.

“I couldn’t recommend Dan’s “Leadership Through Crisis” roundtable strongly enough. Besides being incredibly topical and relevant as a way to address unprecedented fear and instability, it contained solid leadership fundamentals and an opportunity to introspectively examine your views in combination with other leaders. More importantly, Dan was able to bring together a diverse and impressive panel of participants, helping me consider decisions and outcomes from other perspectives.” -Alison M.

“I’ve had the pleasure to work with Dan for many years. Dan has the ability to take a group of divergent thinkers, create problems that need solutions and find a way to hit a home run in a non judgment zone. That’s coaching at its best! ”
-Susan S.

“Dan is a charismatic communicator who captures the attention from any audience. He has coached me spiritually, professionally and personally. I feel more confident, gained new insights, & developed new strategies with Dan’s help. His authentic and humble leadership style brings out the best in others.”
-Kathy K.

“Dan has a unique way of naturally connecting with people and always adds value to their lives. It doesn’t matter if you run into him in a brief encounter or take part in one of his powerful and meaningful presentations, you will walk away feeling better as a whole and with more awesome tools for your toolbelt.”-Janeen Y.

“Dan is a commanding presence and is highly respected not just amongst the people he has led in these different capacities but by the partners he has worked with in the business world for his attention to detail and to being someone who ‘gets the job done.”
-Alan W.

“Dan Simon is an amazing inspiration, thought partner and has always been a guiding moral compass. He has been a role model and someone I look up to both professionally and personally.”

John Mueller

Learning Specialist & Leader

Let’s Make Things Happen

It’s time to take your leadership, career and relationships to the next level.

“In every role Dan brings a passion for success and empathy, always striving to find ways to maximize the potential of others. His leadership and coaching brought out the best of his staff. Dan has so much to offer from his experience in both public and private sectors which provides his credibility, but above all, his values, and his foundation allow him to offer guidance and mentorship in formal and informal settings. I look to him for guidance often.”

Thomas Stroffolino, Senior Advisory Solutions Architect

“When you think of servant leaders, Dan Simon should be the first person who comes to mind. His passion for people and relationships makes him an ideal professional leader and personal coach. His belief in family and the bond created among those with shared beliefs is one of his most powerful tools that he will imprint upon all those with whom he connects.”

Dr. MaryJane Garibay, Doctor of Educational Leadership

“Dan Simon is a robust, energetic leader who goes the extra mile to insure that his job is completed. The mission is not only completed, it’s accomplished with aplomb. While reaching to his goal, Dan always remembers that he is working with and alongside people. He understands that, as a leader, his most valuable asset is the people working with him. Thanks to his caring attitude, the people working with him are encouraged to give their best and share in the accomplishment of the mission. It’s a pleasure to work with Dan – he is a strong leader.”

Major Penczak, Senior NJROTC Instructor

“Dan is a very well-informed leader of principle. I had the good fortune of supporting two cohorts of New Jersey principals with Dan through the equity-focused New Jersey Department of Education Principal Learning Network. I always found Dan to be deeply caring and responsive in coaching participants in the program. Because of his own extensive experience as an educational leader, he was well-attuned to the needs and day-to-day realities of principals. He thinks deeply about leadership and is able to bring his considerable knowledge and experience to his support of educators.”

Tim Matheney, Founder and President, Spire Leadership Group

“I have known Dan for a long time, and can say, without reservation, that he is an excellent school administrator. His passion is education, and his remarkable skill set enables him to lead students, teachers, and other administrators very effectively. Dan is one of the most natural educators I know, and I remember the time we worked together with great admiration and respect.

Jeff Janover, VP of Interoperability Services

Dan Simon

Executive Leadership Consultant & Speaker
(919) 760-1400
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